The Problems And Prospect Of Management Of Students Hostel Accommodation In Higher Institutions In Nigeria
Problems and prospects of student hostile Accommodation problem in IMT, is the topic of this write-up. The aim of choosing this topic is to bring to notice the problems students face in IMT Hostels. These problems give bad name to the school, as a result of this, parents and guardians to longer send their children to the school. These problems also affect the academic progress of the student thereby leading to the school producing half baked graduates. The government should see to it that this problem is eradicated for a better tomorrow.
This write up divided into three chapter the first chapter introduced the general background of the students matter, problems importance and definition of the terms.
Chapter two discussed on the literature review which includes the school of through and different methods of studying the problems.
Finally, chapter three is the conclusion where data presentation and analysis . Recommendations and references were made
Table of Content
1.0 Background of the study
1.1 Purpose of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study Research questions
1.5 Research questions
Literature Review
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Areas of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample size
3.5 Administration of the instrument
3.6 Method of data Analysis
4.0 Presentation analysis and interpretation of data
4.1 Summary of results
5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Discussion of result findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Limitation of the study
Has IMT ever allocated hostel rooms all the applicants?
What do you think is responsible the non-allocation of hostel rooms to all the IMT applicants?
How do student in hostel read their lecture notes, especially during the time of examination?
Does this distraction has any adverse effect on the students, academic progress?
What is the resultant effect of this on the students in particular, and Imt. In general either in the labour market in the outside world?
How do students especially the female ones, who were unlucky to secure hostel accommodation, cope?
Why did consider any of the alternatives in table as improper?
Why is it that students living of the campus are not happy and secured?
What do student of IMT usually scrambles over hostel accommodation, irrespective of the protocol involved and limited available space?
The establishment of the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu, there existed a college of technology up till 1967, also in existence at then were the institute of administration and the cooperative college. Unfortunately, none of this institution was able to meet up to the standard of an average higher institution of learning of course; most of their courses were limited to civil servants. Not only that, they cannot award certificate beyond ordinary level diploma (OND).
In an attempt to remedy this and advance the course being offered by the aforementioned institution and perhaps put them into acceptable standard the Ukpani Asika administration on list April 1972, merged the former college of technology with the college of administration.
Nevertheless, the amalgamation of the two-sister school could not meet up with both the state and national needs. Administration set October, 1972, the East central state administration set up a provisional council to determine structure of the government, the appropriate structure of an autonomous institution that would produce high quality technologist and technicians, professional managerial manpower in certain subject areas that will rhyme with the state and national needs.
Consequently, on 3ist may 1973, the edict no of 1973, titled” the institution of management technology Edict” was promulgated. The Edit become operational from Ist July, 1973 and thus gave birth to what is now known as the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.
A hostel by definition is a building in which cheap food and lodging is provided for students, but unfortunately in tertiary institution in Nigeria. The never seems to be the case. This is what prompted as to research on this issue. This research, though on higher institutions, has a special reference on the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.
It has been established that the inadequacy of hostel accommodation has an adverse effect on then actualization of qualitative and standard education in Nigeria, universities and polytechnics, that is why we have taken it upon our selves to find out the lapses and problems that has heralded to this problem of inadequate accommodation.
More so, there are other problems which prompted us to research on this topic this include: students involvement in armed robbery
Student’s involvement in prostitution
High rate of disobedience by student as a result of not living in an academic environment.