Voters’ Assessments of eVoting’s Efficacy and Practicability in the Nigerian Political System


This chapter examines Voters’ Assessments of eVoting’s Efficacy and Practicability in the Nigerian Political System, The study took a qualitative approach, with interviews serving as the major data collection instrument. We developed five research questions and incorporated them into the interview process. The population of the study was composed of academic staff from universities in South West Nigeria. 250 academic staff members from five universities were carefully picked from this community. This is the sample size for the study. We developed five research questions and incorporated them into the interview process. Nigerians are aware of electronic voting systems, and the benefits of e-Voting include ease of voting, ease of counting, prevention of electoral vote fraud, and cost savings. Nigeria is largely prepared for electronic voting, and hence the technology is relevant to the Nigerian electoral system. Respondents believe electronic voting is desirable in Nigeria for a variety of reasons, including time and cost savings, less queue, and Nigeria’s technological growth, which facilitates a quick voting procedure. The essay analyzed hurdles to e-Voting and proposed solutions for e-effective Voting’s adoption in Nigeria’s democracy.


The main objective of this study was to examine tVoters’ Assessments of eVoting’s Efficacy and Practicability in the Nigerian Political System.

The specific objectives of the study were to:

  • Determine the Nigerians’ awareness of e-Voting.
  • Determine the perception of voters about the adequacy of the e-Voting system in Nigeria
  • Find out whether or not Nigeria is e-Voting ready.
  • Examine the relevance of e-Voting to the Nigerian electoral system.
  • Investigate the reasons for desiring or not desiring e-Voting.
  • Identify factors that can hinder the adoption of e-Voting in Nigeria.
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