The Marketing Strategy Employed By Cubana Group And The Prospects For The Growth Of Odogwu Bitters In Nigeria

Introduction Marketing research and practices have evolved drastically through time, with an emphasis on marketing as a management issue giving way to an emphasis on marketing’s strategic role in overall corporate strategy (e.g., Kotler, 2000; Sudharshan, 1995). As a result of the marketing concept’s embrace of both strategic and operational decisions, marketing and strategic management … Read more

Cyber security projects with source code

Internet-enabled devices and even home appliances are already commonplace in our daily lives. This has led to an increase in the number of attack paths to almost all devices and a greater interest in cybersecurity. The rise in the number of people interested in cybersecurity has been attributed to the epidemic’s lockdown, which has caused … Read more

Pgdgc project report

This are the list of Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counseling Project Topics   Pgdgc project report INFLUENCE OF GUIDANCE SERVICES ON VOCATIONAL CHOICE AMONG STUDENTS EVALUATING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION The impact of Excursion In learning and Teaching Of Geography Peer group and environment on junior … Read more

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