impact of social media on small and Medium enterprises in Nigeria
Abstract: The present paper briefly provides a literature based review of how the social media affects small and medium
sized enterprises in the Arab world. usage by small and middle-sized businesses is gaining prominence in the Arab region.
The present paper sought to establish how the social media is influencing the small and medium-sized businesses in the
region, in general, as established by recent empirical research and theoretical scholarship. According to the review, there
is unique relationship between the social media and SMEs in social, political, religious or cultural and economic spheres.
This relationship has enabled the social media to uniquely impact on the Arabian market in such areas as offering (a) a
marketing platform for the Information Age, (b) an avenue and forum for increased sales, (c) an innovative edge for
SMEs to reduce expenditure/cost and increase profitability, and (d) a benchmark of direct client communication of
modern PR.