The Impact of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Students in Nigeria
In the 21st century education has shifted to a technology based which is one of the most rapid facilities you can think of. Therefore, social media (networking) technology is an integrating tool of education that improved national development in the education sector. Social media have affected communication between people in educational community positively since the past decades. Now, life is made easy by this media for development academically, socially, and politically for any that is connected to it(Oghenetega, Oyenike & Ugeh, 2014). In recent times, there has been a great to adopt e-learning systems in institutions of higher learning in the country. The rapid growth in technology, especially the internet, has made e-learning systems to have great impact on the users. Several discussions, opinions and projects have emerged in areas of e-learning especially from a social networking context, and application of ICT to solve both academic and administrative problems of schools, most notably higher institutions of learning (Awodele, Idowu, Anjorin, Adedire & Akpor, 2009).
In an information hungry world social media is an import way to equip the undergraduates for employment of graduation. In an Clark increasingly competitive business environment. There is pressing need to prepare the undergraduates to be job creators instead of job seekers. There is pressing need to raise the awareness of undergraduates in the use of social networks to enhance their careers prospects. Many universities suffer from a lack of application or use of appropriate technologies. This affects the overall set academics objectives and impairs the goal of any existing or new e-learning system. It is obvious that the traditional teaching approach is no longer meeting the needs to prepare undergraduates to function effectively and satisfactorily in today’. Furthermore Oghenetega and Ejedafiru (2014) submits that social media have affected communication between people in educational community positively since the past decades. Now, life is made easy by this media in different areas such as academically, socially, and politically for any that is connected to it.
Social networking sites are web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi- public profile within a bounded system, to articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). Different social groups in Nigeria such as Nigerian Library Association (NLA) can establish contacts and online forum. Social Network Sites (also called Social Networking Services or Social Networking Communities), are those Internet systems that have at their heart the personalized profile (Tapscott & Williams, 2006,). Some of the prominent examples include: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MySpace. Social networking sites are two-way transparent communication that encourage a feedback mechanism; connecting people with shared interest. Social networking sites allow librarians to adopt a new role by placing themselves into a social realm with users. By reading blogs, group postings, and message boards, the librarian becomes an active participant, who is able to anticipate and advise patrons as needs arise. Linking to patron profiles also keeps the library within the consciousness of users, potentially increasing interaction. Courtney (2007) is of the viewed that social network
site, as user is a participant, a co-creator, and a builder of knowledge. The dynamic nature of this technology enables users to have an open access to knowledge and contribute local content on the social network space.
Purpose of the Study
The main aim of this article is to know the impact of social media (websites) in academic performance of undergraduates in Nigeria. Specifically objectives are to:
- Investigate whether there is any impact social media contributes to educational of undergraduate students.
- Determine the level of educational standard of students that use social media in universities of Nigeria.
Scope of the Study
The work is limited to Nnamdi Azikiwe University-Awka, Delta State University, Abraka, Anambra State University, Uli and Madonna University Okija which span through four Universities in Nigeria.
Research Method
Causal-comparative research design was adopted. The Four tertiary institutions used for study- Nnamdi Azikiwe University-Awka, Delta State University, Abraka, Madonna University Okija campus and Anambra State University. Population of this study comprised of all the students in various departments in each schools. The total population selected through purposive sampling technique are twenty- five students in each school and the total therefore are hundred undergraduates and. Capture sampling is the method used to administer the instrument. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was distributed to students with help of colleagues in various institutions used for the study. The returned questionnaires are ninety- eighty(98) in numbers, which was used in this article. The data was subjected to descriptive particularly percentage frequency table counts.
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