In humans, the process of gestation is most commonly referred to as pregnancy. It is the process by which one or more offspring, also known as an embryo or fetus, develops inside of a woman’s uterus (Wikipedia 2009). In humans, pregnancy typically lasts for somewhere between nine and nine and a half months. In the first eight weeks after conception, the embryo is responsible for the development of the progeny; from this point on, the term fetus will be used to refer to the developing child. As a way to make reference to the various stages of pre-natal development in a more straightforward manner, the medical and legal definitions of human pregnancy in many nations are arbitrarily divided into three trimester periods that last for a total of three months each. The chance of a spontaneous abortion is highest during the first three months of pregnancy (natural death of embryo or fetus). The development of the fetus is able to be observed and diagnosed with greater ease throughout the second trimester of pregnancy. The formation of fetal fat stores and the continuation of the fetus’s growth are the primary characteristics of the third trimester (Wikipedia 2009).
Abortion is the practice of removing a fetus from the uterus while it is still developing, typically between the first and seventh months of pregnancy. Another way to think about it is as premature labor and delivery. Miscarriage is the term that is used to refer to abortion in the majority of situations. In cases where the mother’s health is in jeopardy, an abortion may be the only option to save her life. In spite of this, it is being carried out at will as a direct result of shifts in society perspectives. It is a predicament in which life is being strained, and it is reaching the point where it is unacceptably hazardous and threatens the life of the mother.
Medical abortion is a form of abortion that involves taking medicines to produce a miscarriage. Surgical abortion is a form of abortion that requires physically removing the pregnancy from the womb. Abortion can be performed either by taking pills (medical abortion) or by surgery (surgical abortion). The vast majority of abortions may be performed as outpatient daycare procedures, which means that you will not be required to spend the night at the clinic. Abortions are performed on about 12 million adolescent females every single year (Bpas 2009).
Pill abortion and surgical abortion are the two forms that are included in the category of abortion procedures. After 9 to 24 weeks of pregnancy, a method known as “the pills” can be used to terminate the pregnancy. This method involves taking medicines that force the womb to contract and expel the pregnancy. Also beginning at 22 weeks, after which the pregnancy is induced to end and an injection is administered directly into the womb. Injections of this kind are typically used to maintain the homeostasis of the uterus. However, you are also obliged to go in for an examination at the clinic. To perform a surgical abortion, the cervix is dilated and the fetus is expelled, which can take anywhere from 15 to 24 weeks into the pregnancy. During a surgical abortion, the doctor will remove the pregnancy by grasping it with a pair of forceps that are very narrow and will pass through the opening at the top of the womb. This type of abortion is performed while the patient is under the influence of general anesthesia (asleep). One can go to the clinic for a surgical abortion and go home the same day (for pregnancies that are up to 20 weeks along) if they choose this method (Bpass 2009).
Abortion is plainly on the rise and has been recognized as a social concern in so many different ways that it destabilizes the educational career of the teenager as a potentially helpful member of society. She is unfairly condemned by the community, which, in the long run, causes the girl to become a prostitute. The sociocultural background of the people living in the Numan Local Government area is another significant factor in the occurrence of pregnancy and abortion. This can be related to the orientation or beliefs that required the girl-child to be forced to early hawking at a relatively tender age of roughly nine or 10 years. This practice was common in some cultures. These inappropriate exposes make her vulnerable, and the dishonesty of irresponsible young boys and old men, who usually compromise with her innocence, also contribute to her vulnerability.
It is a well-known reality that the influence of unplanned pregnancies and abortions on the education of female students in our secondary schools is growing in our communities. The Local Government needs to find a way to eliminate or significantly minimize this problem. To put it another way, the solution to this issue is for parents and teachers to help their children develop into more responsible adults. In order to decrease the number of unintended pregnancies, the government ought to provide sexuality education in our secondary schools and higher institutions, in addition to the incorporation of pertinent academic curricula.
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