Background to the study
The new corona virus pandemic was initially found in December 2019 in China’s Wuhan Province (Gondauri, Mikautadze, & Batiashvili, 2020). The viral-caused sickness is well-known as COVID-19, which stands for corona virus disease 2019. The year ‘2019’ represents the first time the sickness was found. The World Health Organization labeled the disease a worldwide health emergency at the end of January 2020. (Yuen, Ye, Fung, Chan, & Jin, 2020). The virus transmitted from person to person when they come into close contact via coughs and sneezes emitted into the air by an infected person when he sneezes or coughs (Ramesh, Siddaiah & Joseph, 2018).
Drops from an infectious person may also fall on other surfaces, placing everyone who comes into contact with such surfaces at risk of contracting the virus when the infected person touches his or her face (ILO, 2020). According to data as of May 6, 2020, there were 2,236, 835 active cases of the sickness and 259, 355 fatalities globally.
Border closures, mandatory quarantines, mobility limitations, prohibitions on public meetings, and city or country lockdowns are just a few of the policies and acts being implemented by national governments, all of which are causing massive disruptions in daily life and trade (ILO, 2020). At various levels, COVID-19 has had an influence on practically every business. COVID-19 has undeniably influenced workplaces and business processes.
Human resource management approaches are expected to have various COVID-19 implications since they deal directly with people in the workplace. Employee recruitment and selection, for example, is always done when there is a scarcity of people in companies, but during a crisis like this, many organizations’ operations tend to slow down, and so organizations normally choose for measures like layoff instead of recruiting. It should be noted that in order to avoid the transmission of the disease, social or physical distance is desirable, and meetings are discouraged.
Previously, worker recruitment and selection required employers or recruiters to meet with potential employees for assessment. As a result, the illness may spread from person to person. Employees within organizations are also more likely to interact with customers, and interactions among employees are sometimes unavoidable. All are potential sources of COVID-19 transmission, placing workplaces particularly vulnerable to the illness. As previously said, organizations may utilize working from home as one of the most effective techniques of enabling employees to avoid unnecessary movements and physical interactions in order to reduce their chances of getting the virus. Working from home can also cause problems in human resource management, especially in terms of performance management. Work-life balance is another factor to consider.
The literature review finds a scarcity of actual evidence on how COVID-19 has changed human resource management practices. This prompted the researcher to perform this investigation with the help of Tanzanian expertise. The researcher picked employee recruitment and selection, employee training, performance management, and compensation management as the for HR practices to investigate. The primary purpose of the research was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on human resource management strategies. The particular purpose of the study was to assess the influence of COVID-19 on employee recruitment and selection, staff training, performance appraisal, and pay management.
Statement of the Problem
The covid-19 epidemic wreaked devastation on the world and organizations, forcing major corporations to close their doors all around the globe. Hr professionals have indeed been compelled to come up with new ideas as a result of Covid-19 in order to come up with fresh techniques to ensure that the company meets its quality and productivity targets. Several businesses have suffered a setback as a result of their HR manager’s incapacity to develop a strategy to ensure that their employees are cared for, and in the great majority of cases, the virus infect the workers, finally destroying the firm.
As a result of the pandemic’s manifestation, some businesses have closed as a result of the covid-19 outbreak that has plagued the globe. Many Nigerian companies shut down after learning that their employees had tested positive for covid-19. HR managers have tried to come up with a solution to adapt to the global epidemic, but there are still some challenges to face. The purpose of this research is to determine how the covid-19 outbreak has impacted human resource management and HR managers’ roles in the workplace.
Objectives of the study
The main objective of the study is to investigate the Impact of Coronavirus in Reshaping the Role of Human Resource Managers towards Employee’s Work Performance.
The following are the specific objective;
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