Impact Of Computer Aided Design In The Academic Achievement Of Undergraduate student In Technical Drawing And Architectural Design


The computer-aided drafting program, AutoCAD, is the most common such program. It has many, many aids to drawing construction plans and detail drawings. If changes ICT has greatly influenced Students-Skills in the use of computer programme and that the lecturer enjoys, teaching engineering drawing with computer aided instructional material. In view of the above findings, it is recommended that engineering drawing lecturers should be exposed to computer awareness courses. The computer machines in universities are not adequate as against students enrolment refresh courses in the computer utilization in basic technology could be available for the teacher.

Computer literacy courses for AutoCAD students should be taught in a way that computer can be used for all engineering drawing related courses; this will give them confidences on the use of computer in teaching AutoCAD. AutoCAD laboratories should be established where there are none so that lecturers can have proper and hands-on training on the use of computers for teaching engineering Drawing. Federal and State government should assist institution of learning by provide financial association to obtain the facilities.

(2000) is an active process which goes on within the learner by guiding his/her experience through planned activities. The student starts to learn when he/she becomes deeply involved in the learning situation. Learning means a process through which behaviour is initiated, modified or changed. T

Computers have revolutionized the way documents are generated. Similarly, Information technology is bound to revolutionize the way people exchange information and documents. Information technology (IT) is defined as “the use of electronic machines and programs for the processing, storage, transfer and presentation of information” (Bork, 1999). IT encompasses many technologies such as computers, software, networks and even telephones and fax machines. The purpose of IT is to facilitate the exchange and management of information and has a lot of potentials for the information process component of the construction industry.

These recent technologies will undoubtedly have a profound impact on how organizations operate on a daily basis. (FRN2004) Education systems all over the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies to teach students the knowledge and skills they need in the 21st century (UNESCO,2009).

UNESCO described the radical implications the new information and communication technologies have over the conventional teaching and learning method and predicted a transformation of the teaching/learning process and the way teachers and learners gain access to knowledge and information. In a society that is constantly in a state of technological flux, it is compelling to monitor from time to time the competencies and skills required for efficient performance. The emergence of information and communication technology has brought with it changes in work processes as well as the process of imparting and acquiring knowledge. The resultant effect is the rendering of previous knowledge and competencies obsolete.

Teaching is a means to learning. It is a process of making it possible for someone to learn. Obi, T.E.C (2000) contended that teaching involves guiding students to learn.

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