Effect of Drugs Abuse On Socio-Economic Development of Nigerian Youths

CHAPTER ONE/INTRODUCTION This study focuses on the accessibility and motivational aspects that contribute to teenagers’ continued drug use. One of the causes behind the rise in drug usage in recent decades is the accessibility or availability of substances. When asked whether they had ever been offered, sold, or provided illicit substances on school grounds, 22% … Read more


Background of the study Alcohol use has been a part of human history from the beginning of time. Alcohol intake in ancient Nigerian civilizations was dependent on age and gender. It was mostly eaten in social settings by adult males. Locally produced alcoholic beverages were produced and consumed under the control of customs and traditions. … Read more

Compressive strength of sandcrete block and lateritic blocks enhanced with lime

ABSTRAct In addition to the conventional adobe technique of earth construction, compressed earth bricks (CEB) provide a contemporary application of laterite for walls and structures. This study compares the geotechnical attributes of cement and lime stabilized laterite for CEB in order to determine which is best for residential structures. Laterite underwent preliminary research to make … Read more

Production and Characterization of cellulase enzyme from Aspergillus species using Cyperus esculentus.

Production and Characterization of cellulase enzyme from Aspergillus species using Cyperus esculentus CHAPTER ONE/INTRODUCTION Biotechnology has the ability to create a vast variety of products to satisfy different human needs. Enzyme technology, a subfield of biotechnology, has developed and is still developing new processes to produce both bulk and high value-added products using enzymes as … Read more

The effect of Noise pollution in the environment and how it affects Nigerian Populace Urban Areas

CHAPTER ONE Unwanted sound or any unjustified disruption of sound within a suitable frequency spectrum is referred to as noise (Olayinka, 2013). On the other hand, sound is thought to be a sensory perception brought on by physiological processes in the auditory brain that result in a complex wave pattern (Margaritis & Kang, 2017). Environmental … Read more

An Appraisal of rock fines on the geotechnical properties of sub-grade soil materials of a failed portion

An Appraisal of rock fines on the geotechnical properties of sub-grade soil materials of a failed portion in Kaduna state CHAPTER ONE/INTODUCTION Road networks are crucial for the socioeconomic development of many nations because they link all businesses and marketplaces and encourage increased trade, the creation of jobs, and a more equitable distribution of revenue. … Read more

Impact of Social media activities on Academic performance of College Students

Impact of Social media activities on Academic performance of College Students As people change careers or societal responsibilities, the process of socialization continues. The way that people interact with one another in their homes is a long-standing human tradition (Haralambos, Holborn and Healed, 2008). Socialization has been documented for a long time, long before new … Read more

Conception and Meaning of Birth place

conception of birthplace Birthplaces are places where people were born or things first appeared (Harper, 2003) Healthcare services can be delivered by both public and private facilities. Public structures are frequently owned and supported by the government and some religious institutions. Although prices are generally reasonable in these settings, the amenities are frequently subpar. Private … Read more

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